Conferences and other events about knowledge graphs, linked data and related topics

While every effort has been made to keep these listings current, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic always check the linked event site for the most up-to-date information concerning that event.

Building Knowledge Graphs Without Writing Code

Lewisohn Hall, Columbia University 2970 Broadway, New York, NY

Two presentations on how KgBase, or Knowledge Graph Base, can be used to create knowledge graphs for insights about data.


Data-Centric Architecture Forum

Fort Collins Marriott 350 E Horsetooth Rd, Fort Collins, CO

The Forum will outline what companies will do in the short term to fill the void of a fully functioning data-centric architecture, available for purchase.

GraphTour Amsterdam 2020

Compagnietheater 50 Kloveniersburgwal, Amsterdam

A full day of sessions on Neo4j graph technology.

Grakn Cosmos

Kensington Conference and Events Centre Kensington Town Hall, Hornton St., London

Grakn Cosmos 2020 is the first-ever universal conference of technologies built using Grakn.

Comment le contexte rend l’IA plus fiable et efficace

Zenika 10 Rue de Milan, Paris

Nous expliquerons pourquoi et comment le contexte doit être intégré dans les systèmes d'IA afin de s'assurer qu'ils sont vraiment fiables, robustes et dignes de confiance
