Conferences and other events about knowledge graphs, linked data and related topics

While every effort has been made to keep these listings current, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic always check the linked event site for the most up-to-date information concerning that event.

Scalable Construction of Sustainable RDF/OWL Knowledge Bases

Computas Akersgata 35, Norway, Oslo

This meetup will address abstractions and modelling patterns for RDF/OWL knowledge bases, introduce the basics of OTTR , show examples and have a hands-on session for participants.

Data Beers Torino XIII (Data Beers Torino Episode 13)

Teatro Le Musichall (Ingresso interno cortile) Corso Palestro, 14, Torino

Meetup with talks including "Semantic Modeling through Deep Learning", "Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Recommender Systems" and "NLP applications for HR".

Building Knowledge Graphs Without Writing Code

Lewisohn Hall, Columbia University 2970 Broadway, New York, NY

Two presentations on how KgBase, or Knowledge Graph Base, can be used to create knowledge graphs for insights about data.


Comment le contexte rend l’IA plus fiable et efficace

Zenika 10 Rue de Milan, Paris

Nous expliquerons pourquoi et comment le contexte doit être intégré dans les systèmes d'IA afin de s'assurer qu'ils sont vraiment fiables, robustes et dignes de confiance


Taxonomies/Thesauri/Ontologies – What’s Best for Me?

Canada Water Library 21 Surrey Quays Road, London

Niké Brown will be lead an interactive discussion centred on defining what a taxonomy is, and how it is different from a thesaurus or an ontology.

Neo4J – Story of a Graph DB

Matam Building 23 23 Matam, Haifa

In this session, participants will learn the basic concepts of graph DB, alongside real life use cases, including Elbit’s.

NLP for Geography and More

Geographisches Institut Universität Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich

This meetup's topics range from applications of NLP in Geography, over multi-aspect sentiment classification to the automatic construction of knowledge graphs.
