Conferences and other events about knowledge graphs, linked data and related topics

While every effort has been made to keep these listings current, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic always check the linked event site for the most up-to-date information concerning that event.

Eclipse RDF4J: Working with RDF in Java

Virtual (online event)

This Meetup will introduce Eclipse RDF4J in detail and give examples on how it can be used effectively to build applications and new data services.


Knowledge Graphs in the Enterprise

Virtual (online event)

At this virtual Meetup a panel of industry experts will discuss use cases, evolution and maturity of knowledge graphs in the enterprise, in addition to key trends and innovations in this space.


The Many Shapes of SHACL

Virtual (online event)

This presentation will look at recently implemented SHACL-based capabilities using the TopBraid platform as an example.


Using Knowledge Graphs

Virtual (online event)

Alessandro Negro will deliver a talk titled "Using Knowledge Graphs to predict customer needs, improve product quality and save costs" and present a demo, "Fighting corona virus with Knowledge Graph and Hume."


A Walk-Through of Knowledge Graphs

Virtual (online event)

In this Meetup Adit Mehta, Lead Data Scientist at Cape AI, will discuss what knowledge graphs are, highlight their value, demonstrate a knowledge graph in action, and discuss some of the use cases currently being explored by Cape AI.