Conferences and other events about knowledge graphs, linked data and related topics

While every effort has been made to keep these listings current, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic always check the linked event site for the most up-to-date information concerning that event.

2nd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata Workshop 2021)

Virtual (online event)

The Wikidata Workshop 2021 brings together the scientific Wikidata community and industry to discuss trends and topics around this collaborative knowledge graph.

The Sixth Image Schema Day (ISD6)

Villa Mariedal Barnarpsgatan 39, Jönköping

Image Schema Day is a workshop devoted to the interdisciplinary research field of image schemas.

Wikidata Workshop

Virtual (online event)

This workshop will explore how broadcasters and media organizations use Wikidata to tag, enrich and enhance their content.